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The Cossitt Library

Hey, wait a minute. The Cossitt Library is not gone! It's still there.....This silly mall site talking about other buildings is all wrong!

Well, no we're not. Yes, There is a Cossitt Library today (although its on the mayors 2008 hit list for closing). But it's not the one we had. The one we have is what people without vision long to do to everything in the City of Good Commodes...destroy the unique and leave us with the plain.

Cossitt has looked like this from the early 1960's - just another horribly boring box.

So what? In the early 1900's the Cossitt Library looked like this:

The Cossitt library before Urban Renewal.

That other cool looking building - thats the downtown post office. It doesn't look so good today either, does it.

Apparently, visionary leadership is not something the city of Memphis has ever had too much of. THAT tradition continues, sadly.

The Cossitt with less horse patties!

Another view of the same area - notice there are quite a few cars around, compared to the earlier photo with horses and wagons about. There is also a lack of horse patties in the street, which was noticeable in the earlier pic (not ALL progress is bad). In the back of the library a square addition is visible as well. This was likely later extended to the street and the beautiful Cossitt Library as it had been was destroyed.

Memphis loses a little class.

By around 1929 you can see the post office has been ruined - transformed into the sad plain box that it is today. At that time, the Cossitt Library was still a beautiful, unique point of interest on the Memphis river front.....